Connell Hull Containers for Heirloom Floral! These lovely containers look hot with a succulent and sweet with a beautiful flower arrangement. We also take orders for custom color requests!
We *HEART* Heirloom Floral Design
Check out our first release of custom Connell Hull containers with exclusive color designs for Hierloom Floral:
Beautiful flower artistry paired with unique, industrial containers, just in time for Valentine's Day! Bend peps, check out their website and order now for pick up and local delivery!!
Want to see more containers from Connell Hull Company? We'll be releasing more containers for sale on our website in the coming week. Keep an eye out!
creative process
Concept and design time. The creative process is such a PROCESS. In reading the book of work from the design firm, COMMUNE, I ran across a quote from Charles Eames that really resonated: "Eventually everything connects--people, ideas, objects. . .The quality of the connections is the key to quality per se. I don't believe in this 'gifted few' concept, just in people doing things they are really interested in going. They have a way of getting good at whatever it is."
Here's to doing what we are really interested in and getting real good at it!
farm table
This beautiful table is made from reclaimed floor joists from a 1920's remodel in Seattle's Queen Anne neighborhood. It has a custom steel base with a wood stringer. It's being delivered raw and unfinished, to be pre-assembled by the client. The resident plans to use this 10-foot farm table as the anchor piece in their kitchen, dinning room. It's a beauty!
Sparrow Bakery off and flying
This is my latest project. The owners wanted a french bistro style with a more traditional slant. I built upon this idea with my styling and here is the result.
Click on image to scan through gallery .
sparrow bakery NW
Coming late fall. A photo showcase of the completed space soon to follow.
via delia! go get 'em
pre-season planting
vote it up!
Thank you for taking the time! I've made it to the finals but need your help to win. By clicking on this link you'll be taken to sunset's voting page where you'll find my project titled "thoughtful design without distraction."
Thanks a ton!
Patagonia @ Bend's new shoe display
Fairly simple design highlighted with 4"x4" tube steel comprised to create the vertical posts. Holes drilled in those posts accept a through bolt which attaches the formed, 3/16" plate steel platform brackets which display the shoe. A neat function of these platform brackets are that they can rotate 90 degrees making more space in the spacing sequence for boots. They also can be doubled up per bolt to make a double-sided display.
They be coming soon!
The 'fire pipe' light will be available for sale soon. I am adding a small tweak to the design and the lighting components. If your needing them sooner just let me know!
patagonia @ bend shoe display
This is an installation display which be featured in the Bend, OR Patagonia store.
Really excited about the lighting addition to this display. If you'll notice the same type in my office photos featured in the blog entry prior to this entry. These are old reclaimed fire pipe tubing. Working through the final stages of offering these pendents for purchase on this site. If you're interested and can't wait let me know.
This will be installed third week of February, photos to be posted soon after.
done and done
It's been a slog getting this done but here it is. I still need to build a sunscreen which'll mount onto the barn door track you see above the sliding doors (interior shots).
The little gas filled electric heater works great and keeps the space warm. I did have a high density spray in foam applied to the walls and ceiling which give a R value of 16, which is amazing considering the 2" deep studs.
Feel free to contact me about questions on the build. I learned a ton about build with shipping containers and I have a long list of would and wouldn't for my next shipping container venture.
Thanks for your interest and checking in!
connellhull office now under construction!
I've been sitting on a 'capital' shipping container for a couple years anticipating a window of time to convert into my office. It's on yo! I've poured the footings, craned it on the footings, cutout and installed a big glass slider and furred it out to take 2" of high density spray-in foam to keep things cool and toasty. I'll be catching up on the details as I can manage.
weekend job
Finished up this shelving job last weekend. Big Ponderosa Pine slabs, oiled with angle cuts (diamond cut). Formed 1/4" plate brackets with wall cabinets as a floating credenza. Thanks to my buddy Tommy, who not only, was instrumental in installing this sucker but also pursued a very involved search for one specific cabinet screw which took him on a criss-cross, multi-hour tour of Portland. I still owe him many beers.
Thanks also to the Redside team. Good, inspired people.
We also installed the same same style shelves in an adjoining office.
easy does it
A couple "lodge loungers" headed to the new Patagonia store in Whistler B.C. Travel safe my comfy friends...
I'd moved this slab of maple around for years waiting for the right project....glad I don't need to move it any longer.
merchandise table
Fast action merchandise table for Patagonia of Portland store.
Big block coffee table
The heaviest little thing I've ever built.
wood loungers
Pulled apart some old nail-lam beams and got this great wood. Specifically the support beams for Bend's old Shelvlin Hixon mill early 1900's.